Friday, September 5, 2008

Wasting time

So I'm supposed to be putting together an itinary (is that how you spell that?) for our trip, ya know, the important stuff like where we are going and where we are staying and a budget, but I am distracted by all of my friends blogs and funny email and the lolcats on which is hilarious. Kevin is at a special event with Andrew and Phil, he won't be home until later, whenever that may be. Lexie is in bed, just sound asleep and hopefully I won't hear from her until about 2am, or dream of dreams she will sleep all night....ahhh someday, but not too soon either. I'm rambling and I really need to focus on this trip so that I can have something to present to Kevin other than freshly painted toenails and this picture
This is so me tonight....

more animals

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're cute... and you need to post more. Thus saith the me. That phrase, right there, makes it a commandment.

No I am not a blasphemer! Thank you very much ;-)
