Monday, October 21, 2013

Job Hunting

I type.  I've been an Independent Contractor for the past 3 years, and it's a pretty sweet gig if can find a place to work with consistent pay and hours.  So far, I've worked for a great place (and a fantastic) lady named Brenda in Medford with ABC Typing - love it, love her - but the work is not consistent.  I also work for another place that shall remain nameless that I loathe.  However, the nameless place pays the bills.  So I've been on the hunt for the past month for a place that will have both.  Or at least that can pay the bills that I won't hate as much.  I've decided to use Lilo and Stitch gifs to explain my feelings - they're kind of like bullet points, but they move - winning! Think I could submit a resume and cover letter with gifs?

How I feel when I'm revamping my cover letter and resume to meet their website requirements
What is another way to say "experienced"?

When I get a rejection email
"Dear Mrs. Ludlow, unfortunately....."

When I read the pay details of a company I really like
Money tastes delicious

Describing how qualified I am to a company
I'm soopa doopa!

Modifying my resume for the umpteenth time

At the end of another long day
Oh bed - I love you

1 comment:

annie moffat karcher said...

Oh becky I have missed your humor so badly. Spot on! and I love lilo and stitch.